Treat yourself - with these 7 steps

Treat yourself - with these 7 steps

Treat yourself with these 7 steps to improve the most important relationship in your life - your own.
A day without learning is…

A day without learning is…

Growth & change.  How can we grow if we don’t change?  The key to change the scenery of your life is to physically move through it.  - Keep going!    
What can I do differently today?

What can I do differently today?

Take a step back to manifest all you want in your life. Time to create a little more space to bring awareness to all that you love in your life. On opportunity to reawaken your...
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What has changed?  Nothing, except my plans ‘todays problem is tomorrow’s gift’.  How to embrace being in the the power of the present.  Finding joy in everyday distractions.  Avoid spiralling into overwhelm when plans unravel....
glitter tights and high heels in the air

Imagine if

Most people deem themselves as not being creative.  The simple fact of getting dressed everyday disproves this. Creativity is one of life’s purest pleasures.  For me creativity is total escapism, from myself, and all that is...
silver and gold baubles

What is alive for you today? Spring Forward and Thrive: Embracing Your Potential and Inner Wisdom

What do you do to feel alive?  Go on think about it.  When was the last time you felt alive.  We spend so much time on auto pilot we easily overlook that life should be...
red lightening bolt

The Art of Allowing - The Judgment Free Zone: Embracing Yourself and Others

  Eluroom means joy of life in Estonian.  I don’t know about you but sometimes joy feels like a pretty lofty ambition.  Why not aim for acceptance.  Allowing ourselves to be human and accepting where...
glitter saying you are made of magic

Taking inspiration from the sun

Finding Your Power: Unveiling the Solar Plexus Chakra and Embracing Your Inner Gold Have you ever felt invigorated by a swim in the ocean, the sun's warmth seemingly charging your batteries? This experience goes beyond the physical;...
rebecca in style ausus hands in prayer

Connection the gift that keeps on giving

Today is a gift thats why it's called the present