Taking inspiration from the sun

glitter saying you are made of magic

I wanted to share

I have been enjoying swimming in the sea.  I swim out as far as I can to a buoy, end of a pier.  It's deep and far and probably not advisable unless you are a strong swimmer. 

Maybe that's why I do it an element of danger?

They say our quality of life is directly proportional to our relationship with fear.

So unless we are in mortal danger it's a mind game.

Taking some inspiration (inspired action if you read my last blog) from the wonderful sunshine - which charges up my batteries I wanted to talk to you about chakras.

Do you know what a chakra is?

I had heard of them but did not fully understand them until I did my yoga teacher training.

A chakra is a wheel.  It is also a metaphor for the sun.  A great wheel that rolls across the sky.  This ancient system forms a vertical column of energy centres in the body which mirror the glands in the endocrine system.  Primarily used as meditation points, they are interconnected and can affect many aspects of our physical and mental experiences.  The chakra system can be used alongside physical and psychological practices to achieve balance.

There are 7 main ones.


I want to talk about the Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura: ‘the city of jewels’ 

It's just above the belly button and it's gold.  I like to think of it as a piece of gold. 

It's our power source our energy.  When I am in the sun I always feel like it is charging me up - I guess it is the colour connection.  Probably one of the few times I care to expose my midriff

When it's out of balance we either feel lethargic or frenetic.

So pause.  Place both hands just above the belly button.  Take a big deep breath letting the belly swell.  Maybe do this a few times.

How are you feeling?  Do you need more energy or do you need to pause and chill.

Standing or sitting slowly twist to the left then twist to the right, with opposite hand connecting to the opposite hip. 

Do this a few times internally saying ‘I am gold'

Why not try this short meditation

Simple things like what you eat, look at or wear can help tap into this.

Yellow food - we all know banana's are a great energy boost.  Lemon's have so many health benefits.  From the wake up and warmth of a hot lemon in the morning to being one of the few fruits which works in both sweet and savoury dishes.

Bet you have never seen a lemon like this.  It's growing in the villa we are staying at.

Taking inspo from my mate Paris - check out last weeks email.  This is a delicious addition to pasta salad or to dip some foccacia

Lemon juice 

Olive oil




Proportions according to size of dish.  Is there a youtube cooking future for me?

Wear the colour - it does not even need to be a whole piece but I do know where you can get a fantastic yellow dress - style Ausus

rebecca in ausus in sherbet yellow

The first step however is being aware.  

Pause...........  Place both hands just above the belly button.  Take a big deep breath letting the belly swell.  Maybe do this a few times.

Remember you are worth more than gold

Finding Your Power: Unveiling the Solar Plexus Chakra and Embracing Your Inner Gold

Have you ever felt invigorated by a swim in the ocean, the sun's warmth seemingly charging your batteries? This experience goes beyond the physical; it taps into a powerful energy center within you - the Solar Plexus Chakra.

7 Questions and Answers to Explore Your Solar Plexus Chakra:

1. What is a chakra?

Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning "wheel." Chakras are energy centers in the body that correspond to the glands in the endocrine system and influence our physical and mental well-being. They can be seen as interconnected points through which energy flows.

2. What is the Solar Plexus Chakra?

Also known as Manipura, which translates to "city of jewels," the Solar Plexus Chakra is located just above the belly button. It's associated with the color gold and is considered our source of power and personal energy.

3. Why is the Solar Plexus Chakra important?

A balanced Solar Plexus Chakra leads to feelings of confidence, self-esteem, and willpower. When imbalanced, we might feel lethargic or overly stressed.

4. How can I check in with my Solar Plexus Chakra?

  • Pause: Take a deep breath, letting your belly expand. Notice how you feel.
  • Body Movement: Slowly twist your torso to the left and right, connecting your opposite hand to the opposite hip. Repeat while internally saying "I am gold."

5. How can I balance my Solar Plexus Chakra?

  • Meditation: There are short meditations specifically designed to balance the Solar Plexus Chakra.
  • Diet: Incorporate yellow foods like bananas and lemons into your diet for a natural energy boost.
  • Color Therapy: Surround yourself with the color yellow, either by wearing yellow clothing or incorporating yellow accents into your space.

6. Is there a future for me on YouTube cooking?

Maybe! Your delicious-sounding lemon dressing recipe is a great example of incorporating Solar Plexus Chakra-balancing ingredients.

7. Remember, you are worth more than gold!

The Solar Plexus Chakra is a reminder of your inner power and potential. By becoming aware of this energy center and taking steps to keep it balanced, you can unlock a greater sense of confidence and personal strength.

Bonus Tip: Awareness is the first step! Take a moment to pause, breathe, and connect with your Solar Plexus Chakra. You are a radiant being, and your inner gold deserves to shine!

Rebecca Rodden wearing elama in sunset camo

Rebecca Rodden founder of the Fashion Lifestyle Brand ‘Eluroom’


She brings wealth and knowledge in the Fashion Industry, Spanning 20 years working her way up to Buying Director at a British Luxury Retail Company.


Her knowledge and skills of how and what you wear can set your mood or mindset for the day has become her specialty.


Rebecca, designs her own sustainable fashion dresses and incorporates mindfulness and wellbeing in her brand ethics to connect to her customers on a deeper level.


She promotes ‘Living with Joy’


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