Morning Rituals & dressing for joy

woman putting lipstick on and winking
I want to talk about morning routine. 
Do you have a morning routine?
What do you absolutely need like a coffee or to start the day off right.   
Where in the routine does dressing fit? 
So for years now, I've had a morning routine I'm quite an early riser and I love, regardless of time zone, the 'peace' of the morning.  Giving myself that space in the day before I see anyone to check my head. Research tells us the mindset we set up on waking takes us through the day. 
So, probably in the scheme of things, I wouldn't say dressings number one on my list but it key to reflecting or enhancing my mindset for the day.
My morning routine which I can share with you which has evolved over the years and it is not exactly the same every day.   I kind of go with what I need. So away wake up to check my head and do a mental body scan.  From there I will meditate.  Which is different every day, sometimes it's 10 minutes sometimes it can be longer. Sometimes I use some breath work or movement, and come to stillness.   Guided meditations if I feel like it.  It's the ideal time to tune into me.    Give some clarity, focus, think about what I need. What I want to achieve in the day, what I want  from the day. 
Intention setting.   
From there, its movement, yoga, running, mixing it up.
One of my favourite ways to move it having a dance.  I have rediscovered so many songs and memories.  Current fav.....
Promised Land - Joe Smooth
I don't feel 'right' without a hot lemon drink.  Followed by coffee and breakfast.
Timing on these is all down today of the week and where  I am in the world.  

Then it's showtime.

The final touch of getting dressed and ready to go. Some people I know will have everything done the night before.  Fortunately have got my wardrobe set up to avoid this. 

Key tips 

Knowing your style

Wardrobe detox

Wardrobe essentials


a  wardrobe of clothes you love


With this in place very rarely do you get stuck.

Pick something that

Suits your mood

Lifts your mood

Or for pure escapism

So you wake up and you're feeling a bit bleugh, or the sky is grey  grab that bright/shiny/sequiny top/dress/bag and give yourself a boost.   

Go for it

Dressing should be a joy

Listen to my talk in the eluroom escape club


Morning Rituals: Setting the Tone for a Productive Day (Including Why Getting Dressed Matters)

Do you crave that quiet, peaceful moment in the morning before the day's hustle begins? Many people do! A well-crafted morning routine can set the tone for a productive and positive day. Let's explore the power of mornings, and why dressing plays a surprising role in it all.

Do I need a morning routine?

While not mandatory, a morning routine can significantly improve your focus, mood, and productivity. It allows you to prioritize your well-being and mentally prepare for the day ahead.

What do you absolutely need?

There's no one-size-fits-all answer. However, many successful routines incorporate some combination of the following:

  • Mindfulness: Activities like meditation, journaling, or simply taking a few deep breaths can help you center yourself and set intentions for the day.
  • Movement: Exercise gets your blood pumping and improves your mood. Consider yoga, running, dancing, or even a simple walk.
  • Healthy Fuel: Start your day with a nourishing breakfast and hydrating drink.

Where does dressing fit in?

Surprisingly, getting dressed is more than just a practical task. It can be a powerful tool to reflect and enhance your mindset.

My Experience:

For years, I have  embraced a morning routine that prioritizes self-care and intention setting. While dressing might not be the first thing on the list, it plays a key role in reflecting or enhancing her mindset for the day.

Here's a breakdown of the author's routine:

  1. Mindfulness & Intention Setting: Start with a mental body scan, meditation (guided or unguided), and reflection on goals for the day.

  2. Movement: Yoga, running, dancing (current favorite: Promised Land by Joe Smooth!)

  3. Fuel Up: Hydrate with a hot lemon drink, followed by coffee and breakfast.

  4. Showtime: Getting dressed and ready for the day.

Key Takeaways:

  • Know Your Style: Having a well-curated wardrobe makes mornings easier. Consider a wardrobe detox and focus on essential pieces you love.

  • Dress for Your Mood: Use clothing to elevate your mood or create a sense of escapism. Feeling down? Grab that bright, sequined outfit for a confidence boost!

Morning Routine FAQs:

1. What if I'm not a morning person?

Start small! Begin with a 5-minute mindfulness practice or a short walk. Gradually add elements you enjoy.

2. Do I have to stick to a rigid schedule?

Not necessarily! Your routine should be flexible and cater to your needs.

3. How long should my routine be?

There's no magic number. Experiment and find what works for you, even if it's just 15 minutes.

4. What if I don't have time?

Even a few minutes of self-care in the morning can make a difference.

5. Is breakfast really important?

Yes! It provides essential energy and focus for the day ahead.

6. What if I hate getting dressed in the morning?

Having a wardrobe you love makes a big difference. Consider the tips mentioned above for creating a stress-free closet.

7. How can I make getting dressed more enjoyable?

Put on some music, light a candle, or turn it into a mini fashion show!

By prioritizing a morning routine that includes intentional dressing, you can set yourself up for a successful and fulfilling day. Remember, it's all about creating a ritual that works for you!


Rebecca Rodden wearing elama shirt dress in sunset camo

Rebecca Rodden founder of the Fashion Lifestyle Brand ‘Eluroom’


She brings wealth and knowledge in the Fashion Industry, Spanning 20 years working her way up to Buying Director at a British Luxury Retail Company.


Her knowledge and skills of how and what you wear can set your mood or mindset for the day has become her specialty.


Rebecca, designs her own sustainable fashion dresses and incorporates mindfulness and wellbeing in her brand ethics to connect to her customers on a deeper level.


She promotes ‘Living with Joy’


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