When it comes to dressing try this it works every time

Do you ever agonise over what to wear? OK, maybe that’s too strong of a word. But when you have a big event like a wedding or reunion where you’re bound to see people you haven’t seen in a while or even just a night out with friends but you want to look a bit “extra”…do you worry, overthink, or mind grapple to the point where you almost wish you weren’t going? Or, just get overwhelmed? A deep-ish dive into some research on this topic shows that for some women, when we get ready for a special event or night out, we have one person in mind (not ourselves) and we may be letting what we think their opinion is of us control what we wear. This could be someone you might want to impress, hide from, get a compliment from, or even one-up. This could make you consider if your outfit is too much or too quiet. In short, someone from whom we are seeking approval and that approval is louder than our own. Perhaps it's a person who is not even going. Did you know 80% of our internal narrative comes from our childhood. Take a moment to think about whose voice that is. A parents, teachers, and ex? Once you realise these comments about dressing are not your own it's liberating.

So let’s not do it to ourselves!
The one person you really need to impress is you. What is the best thing you can “wear” to make yourself look amazing? Confidence. Wearing what you love and what you feel great in should take priority. With so many occasions to celebrate over the summer months, lets not forget the mini wins - what better reason to get dressed and celebrate.
Remember make the occasion with what you wear.
If you like it wear it.
6 words that will change your mindset about dressing. I still remember a reoccurring nightmare I had when I was about 7. I had a new dress but I was not allowed to wear it as it was too cold and I had to save it until best. In my dream the house what on fire and I escaped saving my precious new dress. I put it in a globe of the world (not sure what that’s about) . When I went to open the globe inside was, shock horror, my school uniform.
Why do we create these rules when it comes to dressing?
If it’s worth getting out of bed for it’s worth getting dressed for.
When I talk to people about their wardrobe and style it’s commonplace to talk about a work look and an weekend look. Why do we self uniform? In the economies of scale would it not be more effective to build a wardrobe that does you justice 7 days a week, seeing your through from desk to dinner?
These days the boundaries between works and play have blurred, Well chosen pieces have endless styling potential. Why splurge on a ‘special occasion’ if it only gets worn once? Why have the ‘off duty’ look consisting of an odd assortment of ancient clothes that look like you found them in the clothing skip. How you dress your mood and mindset are interwoven so how about dressing to impress yourself. Ready for anything, especially on the weekend as who knows where it could take you. Whether at work or play comfort is key.
I have struggled to find easy pieces that that are comfortable yet chic, which is why I created eluroom. Nothing is worse than having to endure scratchy fabric and clothes that pinch. Why spend precious time procrastinating over what to wear?
"The joy of dressing is an art."
Make a ritual in getting dressed. A night out or occasion? Give yourself time to enjoy dressing. Close the bedroom door with your favourite drink and escape. Put on some music, dance sing get moving get into your body, get into the moment. I'm enjoying this right now California Soul. Remember who are your getting dressed for? YOU 100%

Feel great in what you wear.
Take for example style Neem. This style will take your thorugh the festival and holiday season through to the school run and beyond. Light weight it is so easy to throw in to a bag. Great to mix up your festival look, throw on a the pool. Stay cool and chic and avoid getting burnt.
Elevates the jean and t shirt combo turning the fine into fabulous
Teamed with shorts and a t- shirt to avoid the lines in your legs when sitting in shorts :)
Revitalizes a top or dress that perhaps you were not quite so comfortable wearing. This is something I must say I get very excited about. Finding a new lease of life for something simply by wearing it differently.
Teamed with trousers for something more glam. Palazzo pants which can be worn at any time of year.