Party Season Ready?

It's been a while, well 2 years but who is counting? I for one am still getting used to socialising, let alone the circuit of parties, soirees and 'catch ups' which we load into the back end of the year.
I am not talking so much about what to wear here though that plays a big part. I am talking about how you feel about it.
Super excited, kind of dreading it or maybe overwhelmed?
Often it is occasion specific. Some people you might not have seen for ages and would prefer to keep it that way. The larger the group the greater overwhelm. What my little monkey mind does is tell me no one will want to see me. Why - where does that come from?
Along with this we shift a gear from going out maybe once a week to 4 or 5 times. These days if I am going to burn the candle at both ends, some wise choices and a bit of planning takes place otherwise it all comes crashing down.
Back do how to you feel.
Focus on you, not who might be there and what might happen. Think about what you need to feel fabulous. How we dress our mood and mindset are interwoven. So what you wear plays a big part. Find your wardrobe favourites that you know make you feel this way. If you think you need to add a little razzle dazzle pick something that will work well with your favourites and is versatile enough to see you through from desk to disco along with lunchtime, brunch time catch ups.
An eluroom dress is great for this.
Take style ausus. The only dress you will need this party season.
Dress it up with heels (think sparkly or metallic, a faux fur for sequin jacket, a statement piece of jewellery, rotate the statement jewellery for example necklace, then earrings then bracelet, switch out the bag

Dress it down with boots, a coat, and

Why not try an extra layer such as wide legged pants and a long sleeve t.
Metallics as you know are one of my favourites, and leopard is super fun.
Both neutrals in my book.
So you are dressed comfortably and looking fab ready for anything.
The final touches....
If you are refreshing make up or getting ready from scratch put on some music. You can always wear head phones. Get those hips moving, or the toe tapping or the tune humming. Lastly take a big deep breath lift your arms and do a twirl - yes like wonder woman. Did you know twirling has many health benefits. It enhances sensory and simulation, it helps you find your centre and is a great energy boost.
This twirl is from the latest photo shoot Check it out
Woo hoo your off!
My top tips for stamina are nourishment, movement and hydration
After works drinks, well any drinks where there is not a meal, eat a substantial lunch, soup, stir fry. and have snack around 4 which is savoury carb based - not sugary.
Ensure you empty your glass before having a refill, be very careful with cocktails. They say a glass of water as every other drink but I don't know who does this. Have water before you go out and definitely when you get home and try in all of that to have a couple - something is better than nothing.
Stand more than sit, walk, even if it's to go the the bathroom. Especially at a sit down dinner.
If there is the opportunity dance
More than one show on the night - oh baby!
Some of my most fun have been the party hop. If you stick to nourishment, movement and hydration on repeat.
Be kind to yourself the next day. Have the extra coffee, don't plan for some HIIT workout or brain drain task first thing. At best you are tired and worst hungover so go with it as it will pass.
It's a joyous time of the year - radiate

Rebecca Rodden founder of the Fashion Lifestyle Brand ‘Eluroom’
She brings wealth and knowledge in the Fashion Industry, Spanning 20 years working her way up to Buying Director at a British Luxury Retail Company.
Her knowledge and skills of how and what you wear can set your mood or mindset for the day has become her specialty.
Rebecca, designs her own sustainable fashion dresses and incorporates mindfulness and wellbeing in her brand ethics to connect to her customers on a deeper level.
She promotes ‘Living with Joy’
- Tags: comfortable creation dresses expression fashion fashion tip made in uk party dress party season wardrobe wellness wellness tips