Searching for Inspiration?

I must admit January has not got off to a flying start for me. Why? While 2021 was a huge learning curve and my ambitions fulfilled, targets I set myself had not been achieved. I have been holding on to the outcome which has led to self doubt. I know I need to detach - but how.
Here I share my break through moment and my top tips on how you can break through your self doubt.
Date nights or going out for a meal what ever you want to call them are a rare treat in my world. Last week we finally had one - yay! A local restaurant in Crouch End called Lyon’s - I would thoroughly recommend. The day was grey and drizzley, when have they not been? As a side note did you know December was the dullest since 1956? Going out gives me the opportunity to get dressed up which you know is one of my favourite things. Doing this also distracts me from myself and the negative self talk that comes from holding on to outcomes. I put on an eluroom dress, of course, Ausus in true teal, wore my silver boots as metallics are are sure way to boost my mood, teamed with a sparkling necklace. After hair and make up I felt ready for a night out despite the gloom of the weather and the inside of my head.
Lyon’s is a seafood based menu with what I think an eclectic mix of European and Asian flavoured dishes. There were some usual favourites but we agreed to try some new things. I had never heard of a fish saddle - have you? It ws cooked in the tandoor. On one mouthful I was transported back to Sri Lanka. Sitting at the Lankavatara Hotel in the tropical sunshine listening to the pounding of the Indian Ocean.
That did it.
I floated home still basking in the warmth. The next day and for days to come I have been filled with gratitude and hope. Gratitude for the delicious meal and beautiful memory stirred. Hope that there will be sunshine and other beautiful moments in life and all I need is in me to experience them.
Click below for my top 3 tips to break through self doubt.
Here are my 3 ways to break through self doubt
- Tags: 2022 christmas expression fashion glitter ball goals mindfullness mindfulness wellness wellness tips