A Glitch in the Matrix

A Glitch in the Matrix

Have you ever go through a phase where strange kind of unexplainable at the the time things happen?  The type of things that make you think there is either a poltergeist or a glitch in...
A day without learning is…

A day without learning is…

Growth & change.  How can we grow if we don’t change?  The key to change the scenery of your life is to physically move through it.  - Keep going!    
What can I do differently today?

What can I do differently today?

Take a step back to manifest all you want in your life. Time to create a little more space to bring awareness to all that you love in your life. On opportunity to reawaken your...
Enjoy the journey

Enjoy the journey

Life is a journey - how often have you heard that? I don’t know about you but in the day to day I very easily forget this along with the fact it’s a journey to...
blossom in the sunset at crouch end

What makes your heart sing? - Springing Forward with Joy and Intention

Spring is here - welcome it with love and joy.  Flowers, poetry and a chance to press pause and reflect on the first quarter of the year and set intentions for the months to come....
orange rose bouquet

Be the woman

It’s Mother’s Day in the UK.  While I am not a fan of hall mark holidays it got me thinking about creation, nurturing and kindness. About being the woman I needed as a girl.
neon pink lips

For the love of........

I had a full week with International women's day events.   Celebrating and supporting all the wonder women of the world.  I loved every minute of it.  The highlight getting meet so many different people and hear...
silver and gold baubles

What is alive for you today? Spring Forward and Thrive: Embracing Your Potential and Inner Wisdom

What do you do to feel alive?  Go on think about it.  When was the last time you felt alive.  We spend so much time on auto pilot we easily overlook that life should be...
sparkler heart

It all comes back to love - The Power of Connection: A Meditation on Love and Appreciation

The Power of Connection: A Meditation on Love and Appreciation  I celebrate the beauty of human connection and the importance of cherishing the people in our lives. It concludes with a guided meditation to cultivate...