Dress Style Sara

I am so excited to share the new dress collection 💫
How you dress - your mood and mindset are interwoven
Fashion talks about seasons with new colours, new shapes and styles. It never addresses our ever evolving body shape. Which is fundamentally why we dress to cover, flatter, protect, warm our bodies. We should feel good in what we wear as it can have a huge impact on our mindset.
To reveal your best self🤩
Dress for joy 🤩
Sharing in the story of style Sara
Sara means radiance in Estonian
eluroom is all about radiating joy
Inspired from iconic vintage styles sara has a 70's feel with a nod to the 90's.
It's a v neck style with a small collar and placket.
V necks are incredibly flattering and so wearable for everyone, as they elongate your neck and flatter the jawline A placket gives you the option of how deep you want the v neck to be by opening the buttons.
Speaking of buttons I have source old 'dead stock' buttons which have been refinished.
The sleeve is a 'bracelet' length with an elasticated cuff. Ideal to cover the top half of your arm, which is not everyones favourite body part. Perfect for all year round layered with bracelets in summer and long sleeves in winter.
Cut to be super comfy, if you are anything like me a dress you can eat in goes a long way. That said it can be tied at the waist with a scarf or belt to create a 'tea dress' look and show off your waist.
I can't cope without a pocket and all eluroom dresses have them.
The skirt skims the knee which is cheeky enough to show some leg and long enough to not reveal those dire leg marks when you sit down.
The prints combined with the fluidity of the fabric flatter your shape. I wish you could touch the fabrics as they are so silky on the skin. When we did the shoot Lou said she could not believe how beautiful they made her feel.
All of the colours suits it's down to you in terms of what you want to express. Get one for every day of the week - go on treat yourself
Psychedelic Paisley has a multitude of colours you can highlight and I cannot think of a collection it does not suit.
Celestial Sunrise is a signature eluroom print. This fabric comes from Italy.
Lava Leaf on a dark navy base with accents of orange, red and yellow. Some of my favourite colour combinations.
Through the course of designing and developing these styles I have found so many resources on my doorstep. Have I been living under a rock?
The patterns were graded in a place behind my boys primary school.
The factory is 3 miles away. All making for a very achievable cycling commute and so lovely to be able to see them in person - at any time.
This week I had the pleasure of speaking to the wonderful Fiona Abrahams on her Raw talent podcast. Here I talk about life in the fashion world and my plans for eluroom.
Check out the raw talent podcast